
Tired and frustrated

Wow, it's so hard for me to stay motivated to keep up with shooting and my blog. I think a lot of it boils down to working, preparing for Cadence's arrival in a few short months, being tired and with limited physical mobility, napping, and various other things that pop up and require time and attention. Shooting has become more and more difficult for me because I can't move around like I normally would, and as such I feel very hindered in my creative output. I physically cannot achieve what my mind is telling me to shoot, so I become frustrated and irritated. Then I give up and quit trying, which frustrates and irritates me even more! Maybe instead of getting down because of my limited range of movement, I should try to focus on shooting from what IS a comfortable position for me. Not a whole lot I can do about the tiredness, that's just part of the pregnancy game. But, I am not wasting any of my precious energy. I just have to be more judicious with it, spread it around so even my fun, creative endeavors get time too. Especially photography, I miss it when I don't shoot as often as I would really like to. However, even if shooting has to go on the back burner for a little while, I will have a wonderful little boy to shoot over and over and over again very soon. Gotta remember what all this is truly about.