
I'm putting it out there!

No, not THAT. You perv. :P

Seriously, though... I've gotten to that point in life again where I become so unhappy with myself that I launch a campaign of dramatic reform. The time is almost nigh, and I thought maybe putting it out publicly would make me hold myself more accountable for following through with my plans (something I'm notoriously bad at doing... I blame ADD. :P ). I'm putting it out there now because I don't want this to be confused for a New Year's resolution (which I don't believe in). However, I also think it's a little foolish for me to try to start any changes during the holiday season. So, I'm allowing myself this last time to fully indulge before I really shake things up. Merry Christmas to me! :P

I have decided that it's time to lose some weight and get back into shape. It's only partially about how I appear to myself in the mirror every day (I'm not really narcissistic). I think it's really about just being happy with oneself (which I'm not), and so that calls for a change in how I conduct certain aspects of my life. Gonna have to say "So Long" to my old pal, Dr. Pepper and ALL fast food. That's not going to be easy. :P As far as exercise goes, I'm just going to have to MAKE time for it. Having a soon-to-be toddler makes doing anything for any extended period of time extremely difficult. I'm thinking that morning is going to be about my best shot it because by the time I get home from work in the evening, exercise is the last thing on my mind.

TV. TV has got too much of a hold on me, it's time to cut the cord. Not literally, of course, don't worry honey. :P But, I need to drastically reduce the amount of time I spend in front of it. I want & need to read more, to my son and for myself. Socialization is also a goal, we have family and friends that we need to visit more often. Bear is getting old enough to really start interacting with other children, and I love watching him grow and change.

My photography, my art, is so important to me. I, along with my incredibly talented husband, have made a goal for us in 2011 to have a gallery show. To see our pictures hanging on the wall of an art gallery would be so incredible. This will require some work, some money and some leg work. But I think that this is something that I really need to achieve.

I'm feeling very optimistic. I'm enjoying myself now, indulging in things I shouldn't, and knowing it will all end soon. And I'm very OK with that. :)

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